PBA is coming to Sweden!

4 tournaments with the final one being the PBA National title event Storm Lucky Larsen

Top 3 points finishers after all events are eligible for a spot in the 2025 PBA Trials.
Top points finisher after all events qualifies for the 2025 PBA Regional Players
Invitational. One regular plus one senior spot available.
Winner of each of the individual events are awarded with an international invitation (incl.
entry fee) to PBA World Series of Bowling in 2026 and a spot in the final of the 2025
Storm Lucky Larsen Masters.
Winner of the final event, the Storm Lucky Larsen Masters, are awarded a PBA National
title and an invitation to the 2026 PBA Tournament of Champions.

PBA Sweden Scorpion Eskilstuna Open


Waiting list

Sign up for the waiting list for any of the squads – Contact daniel@luckylarsen.se

Thursday 17/4 18:00 Squad A – (Full)

Friday 18/4 10:00 Squad B – (Full)

Friday 18/4 15:00 Squad C – (Full)


Practice: Their will be a chance to practice on the pattern on Thursday afternoon around 15:00. Info on exact time, how to register and cost will be out shortly.

Oil pattern: Scorpion

Tournament format 

8 games of qualification. 16 players advances.
Top 16 will be played in 3 game total pins matches, 1 vs 16, 2 vs 15…

Day 1 (Thursday):
18:00 Squad A, 8 games

Day 2 (Friday):
10:00 Squad B, 8 games
15:00 Squad C, 8 games

Day 3 (Saturday):
Matches, 3 games total pins on 1 pair.
10:00 Top 16 (fresh)
11:15 Top 8 (burn)
13:30 Top 4 (fresh)
15:00 Final (fresh)
16:15 Prize ceremony

Entry & membership fee (excl SLLM)

1000 SEK or (1500 SEK if non member) per event (must be PBA & PBA Sweden member to be eligible for all prizes )
1750 SEK Sweden PBA membership incl PBA membership. (1000 SEK discount to
players already PBA members) Entries are first come, first serve basis. All fees must be paid at the time of registration. Fees are only refundable up until day 14 after registration.

Prize fund (exkl SLLM)

1. Free entry in 2026 WSOB (worth $1.000) + Final step 1 qualification in 2025 SLLM.

2. 7000 SEK
3-4. 5000 SEK
5-8. 2500 SEK
9-16. 2000 SEK


We recommend Elite Stadshotellet Eskilstuna, it’s located 150meters from the bowlingcenter! A very nice hotel with a special price for all bowlers!

Single room 795kr/night
Double room 1095kr/night

Booking code: Eskilstuna Bowlingcenter 
Phone number: +46-16-540 23 00

PBA Sweden Chameleon Jönköping Open

Winner of PBA Sweden Chameleon Jönköping Open: Pontus Andersson

Champion: Pontus Andersson, 2nd place: Albin Lindberg, 3rd place: Joachim Karlsson, 4th place: Emil Holmberg

Oil pattern: Chameleon

Tournament format 

8 games of qualification. 16 players advance to cashers round (8 games) with 50% of the qualifications score carried forward

Tournament schedule 

Day 1:
10:00: Squad A, 8 games
15:00 Squad B, 8 games
19:00 End day
Day 2:
10:00 Cashers round, 8 games
14:00 Top 4 Stepladder matches
17:00 End day


Entry & membership fee (excl SLLM)

1000 SEK or (1500 SEK if non member) per event (must be PBA & PBA Sweden member to be eligible for all prizes )
1750 SEK Sweden PBA membership incl PBA membership. (1000 SEK discount to
players already PBA members) Entries are first come, first serve basis. All fees must be paid at the time of registration. Fees are only refundable up until day 14 after registration.

Prize fund (exkl SLLM)

1. Free entry in 2026 WSOB (worth $1.000) + Final step 1 qualification in 2025 SLLM.

2. 7000 SEK
3. 6000 SEK
4. 5000 SEK

5. 4000 SEK
6-16. 2000 SEK


RC Hotel offers a great deal. You book your room by phone +46-36-33 66 000 and mention the code: RCBOWL2025

Superior – 1150kr / night

Trebädds (3 people) – 1450kr / night

Business – 1700kr / night

Fyrbäddsrum (4 people) – 1800kr / night

Juniorsvit – 2000kr / night